Monday, February 12, 2007

Governor Schwarzenegger's Prevention & Wellness Proposal - Ergonomic Impact

On February 6, 2007, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, supported by a diverse group of leaders representing labor, business, consumer, insurer, senior, ethnic and medical professions, outlined the prevention and wellness aspects of his comprehensive health care reform proposal. The Governor stated that prevention is the least expensive and most effective way to cut down health care costs.
The Governor proposed five areas of focus for promoting health and wellness. Two of the five will cover programs and public awareness campaigns that fight obesity and tobacco use. A third encourages a Diabetes Prevention and Management Initiative. The fourth plan focuses on increasing patient safety and reducing medical errors in health care facilities and through more clearly written prescriptions. Lastly, Governor Schwarzenegger hopes to reward Californians who take personal responsibility for preventing disease and illness through the practice of healthy lifestyle choices. Benefits and incentives such as insurance premium reduction will be offered to those who reach certain healthy living goals.. The Governor does clarify that those who are overweight, smoke or have diabetes will not be penalized by increased premiums.
Governor Schwarzenegger’s prevention and wellness proposals were supported by several high-ranking executives during his presentation. Harold Goldstein, the executive director for the California Center for Public Health Advocates, emphasized that the solution to every major health challenge in modern history has been prevention. Steve Sanger, CEO of General Mills, summarized programs that have been effectively implemented by General Mills. Employees are provided with a Health Number Program that provides tools to help manage a healthier lifestyle through education and motivation. Their Lodi plant offers an on-site fitness center that supports the Physical Fitness and Anti-obesity Initiative that was proposed previously by Governor Schwarzenegger. Steve Burd, CEO of Safeway, discussed the redesign over the last two years of Safeway’s health care plan for non-union workers. The new plan, which focuses on prevention, wellness and positive behavior changes, is based on the belief is that 50-70% of health care costs are driven by behavior.
The key to this reform, and to the programs implemented by some of the largest employers in California, is that prevention is the cornerstone to saving lives, improving quality of life, and reducing health care costs.
Although the proposed prevention, health and wellness initiatives do not specifically address ergonomic issues, the plan does suggest that help will be given for employers to integrate wellness programs into employee benefits plans and worksites. It makes good sense that improving the general fitness and health of employees will help to improve work safety and reduce work injuries.
Medically, we know that obesity, smoking, and illness place additional stress on the body. Excess weight increases friction and tension on the body’s tissues, increases muscular exertion, and causes more rapid fatigue. Nicotine depletes the body of needed oxygen for muscular endurance and for healing of the daily microscopic damage caused by activity. Those who are suffering from or pre-disposed to heart-conditions, diabetes, and other illness and disease may be more prone to injury and heal more slowly.
A fit body is better able to withstand work demands. With the Healthy Action Program providing vouchers for health-related services such as gym memberships and weight management programs, employers could gently encourage, or even provide, healthy lifestyle management services in the work environment. With easy access to the programs, employees may be more likely to participate in such programs. The benefit to the company is a healthier, more productive employee who is less prone to injury and repetitive strain injuries.

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